Angelia 5500

//Angelia 5500

Angelia 5500

The perfect juicer that will help you achieve your health goals is the Super Angel Juicer. This juicer is made of stainless steel and is considered the best amongst other juicing machines out there.

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Why bother with the Super Angel Juicer? The reason is simple and the benefits it brings means a lot for many people out there. Anyone can admit, for example, that getting kids to eat vegetables is always a huge issue and concern for parents Ð especially for those who really want to make sure that their kids eat healthy. Everybody knows how time-consuming it is to prepare food that kids will love and actually eat, right? Kids may not always like the food that grown ups prepare, but they do love juice a lot.
Juicers will definitely come in as a handy solution for parents who want to provide their kids with the nutrition that they need. However, nobody wants to get just any juicer Ð you’re better off with the best juicer sold in stores today. If you’ve been using juicers for quite some time, you may notice that these devices can become troublesome in the kitchen if they don’t really work that well. The Angel Stainless Steel Juice Extractor is not one of these.

Additional information


Angel Juicer












"All stainless steel with antibacterial stainless steel gears
Removes 95% of pesticides and agrochemicals on the surface of non-organic Fruit and Vegetables (by binding to the waste fibre)
The only juicer capable of efficiently extracting nutrients locked inside cellulose fibres so you get the maximum levels of enzymes and nutrients from deep within the fibres
Easy to assemble, use and clean (Only 4 juicing parts)
No additional attachments or adjusting required for fruits (always extracts maximum juice)
Six outstanding operational safety features
Extracts up to 3 times more juice & 3 times more nutrients than other twin gear machines
Intelligent Auto Reverse – automatically senses the additional pressure build-up and reverses out automatically to prevent blockages
3HP (Horse Power) grinding force with lower 86RPM speed
Super quiet when running"